CoopeVictoria is the oldest cooperative in Costa Rica; nevertheless, it has not remained attached to the past. Its historical success in coordination with the vision and effort of its managers and collaborators have led it to diversify and compete in balancing business areas.For the associates benefits like, creation of jobs and the local development area. Below is a brief description of our services.
(Español) Información para Productores y Clientes Comerciales
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Sugar Exportation
The Victoria mill is a highly prestigious mill in the country, not only for its infrastructure but also for its production capacity (200 thousand tons of sugarcane from Zafra)
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Garden Peace “Las Mercedes”
Since 1994, the Saint field Garden of Peace Las Mercedes, is a different place destined for the eternal rest of those we love and have left. That is why the most beautiful place…
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Organic Fertilizer Production
Production of Organic Fertilizer Victoria, and use of agro-industry mill waste and beneficio (place where the coffee is received and processed) of coffee
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Doctor’s Clinic
CoopeVictoria Medical Office is a modern service that facilitates medical care at low cost.
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ServiPlaza CoopeVictoria
Serviplaza CoopeVictoria is one of the largest gas station centers in Costa Rica. It responds to a CoopeVictoria process by diversifying its products and services.
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Local sale, Roasted and Ground Coffee
Coffee Campesino, Coffee Coopevictoria and Coffee Monte Camejo.
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Coffee Exportation
The CoopeVictoria coffee is produced by more than 3000 small producers in the West of Costa Rica, in the cantons of Grecia, Poás and Sarchí.
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Clean Technologies Project
CoopeVictoria has a recycling project for the generation of biofuels, in which oil is collected as a result of the preparation of meals through the schools of the community…
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Technical Assistance To Associated Producers
CoopeVictoria has an agricultural department, made up of engineers trained in sugarcane and coffee crops.
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Credit to associates for cultivation
Our associates are the pillar of our cooperative. The company provides credit to them to finance plantings of coffee and sugarcane, competently attend to these crops and purchase inputs and seed of good quality.